Baixo Miño

Tui marks the start of the Lower Miño (“Baixo Miño”), which names the shire extending from here to the Atlantic Ocean. It is located in the Southwest of the Pontevedra province and covers an area of 322.8 km² and a population of 50 thousand. It comprises the municipalities of Tui, Tomiño, A Guarda, O Rosal and Oia.
A unique scenery, with river, sea, mountain and cities, a pleasant climate and the hospitality of the locals make this place a joy to visit.
The petroglyphs to be found throughout all its territory and the hillforts of Santa Trega in A Guarda and Alto dos Cubos in Tui date back to the first settlements. Several fortresses reflect its history as a borderland in times of warfare. The importance of water and agriculture can be seen in the watermills of the river Tripes in Tui and in the Folón and Picón watermill complex, in O Rosal.
The different architectural styles, from the Romanesque to the present, are captured in monuments which allow us to experience these forms of art nowadays.
Nature takes the leading role in the Mount Aloia Natural Park, as well as in the Miño estuary, in A Guarda. The natural conditions have also led to a vibrant plant nursery industry.
As far as gastronomy is concerned, the Baixo Miño tradition features first-rate seafood, fishes and meats and local delicacies such as eel elvers from the river, almond fish-shaped biscuits baked by the nuns, rosca de xema (a ring-shaped brioche filled with a scrumptious egg cream) from A Guarda, mirabelle plums from O Rosal…
Baixo Miño is an extraordinary destination to luxuriate in.